Villages of Mind

The aim of the game is to show that we should not be selfish with the raw materials on the earth and that we should be able to trust each other to treat the earth well. The game is played with 3 players and consists of a total of 3 personal areas plus 1 divided…

Second Unity Game

This is my second Unity game that i made. Here I tried to create 1 complete level. In this level you are Jojo that needs to rush in the mansion and defeat Dio Brando. While making this game i had trouble with AI. Making them walk a path and getting triggerd was hard to do.…

Environmental Modelling

This is my my second modelling project. Here I tried to recreate the praying place of mosque that i always visit. Here you can see the full documentation. Muhammed-Budak_Environmental-Modelling_Eindopdracht_v1